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CodeIgniter Interview Question:

Preparing yourself for all answers in CodeIgniter Development.

CodeIgniter Interview Question

What exactly is CodeIgniter?
CodeIgniter is an open-source web application framework. It is used to create PHP-based websites. It is loosely based on the MVC paradigm and is simple to use in comparison to other PHP frameworks.

What exactly are hooks in CodeIgniter?
The hooks functionality in CodeIgniter allows you to modify the framework's internal workings without modifying the core files. Hooks, in other words, enable you to run a script with a specific route within CodeIgniter. It is often defined in the application/config/hooks.php file
How will you load or create a model in CodeIgniter? Models are normally imported within your controller functions; you will utilise the function
$this->model->load ('Model_Name');

What is the purpose of routing in CodeIgniter?
Routing is the process of taking a URI endpoint (the portion of the URI that follows after the base URL) and dissecting it into parameters to decide which module, controller, and action of that controller should receive the request in software engineering. In CodeIgniter, a URL string and its related controller class/method usually have a one-to-one connection. A URI's segments often follow this pattern: routing rules in CodeIgniter are defined in the application/config/routes.php file.

What are the most common functions in CodeIgniter?
CodeIgniter operates on a few globally specified functions that are available to you at all times. These do not necessitate the loading of any libraries or tools.
is_php($version) is_really_writable($file)
set_status_header($code[, $text = "]) config_item($key)
$str[, $url_encoded = TRUE] remove_invisible_characters($str[, $url_encoded = TRUE])
html_escape($var) get_mimes() is_https() is_cli()
